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Our vision is to introduce an all-inclusive, benchtop, electroanalytical tool to revolutionize molecular analysis from precision medicine to making batteries. The high precision multi-analyte analysis can be performed on a single drop of sample. The key innovation is breaking the barrier of measuring multiple independent reactions on the same electrode at high precision and speed. Multiplexing the quantification of electrochemical process of 100’s of reactions on a single 1 cm square chip will deeply impact application such as, liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer and performing material genome to rapidly optimize catalyst composition.


SEED is a disruptive technology based on novel principles with unexplored applications and solutions in electrochemical analysis and phenomena. Vajra will actively engage in technical discussion and presentations, disseminate information in technical literature and conferences, provide data on website for application ideas. Vajra has a broad skill set and infrastructure in fabrication, characterization, and design to also engage in research and development collaboration.

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