Scanning Electrometer for electrical Double-layer (SEED)
Some applications and capabilities of SEED are:
Multiplexing: 10’s to 100’s of reactions on the same electrode
Electrochemical analytics: Cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, AC voltammetry
Microarray chip: Liquid biopsy, aptamer chip
Redox fundamentals: Potential of zero charge; chemisorption
Plating and stripping voltammetry
Other applications: Dynamic ellipsometry; protein voltammetry; microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip; Cathodic and anodic reaction on the same electrode (corrosion)
SEED is a one-stop solution with standard and customized accessories:
Sample chamber
Miniature electrodes
Motorized X-Y stage
Hot stage with controller
For more, please click Accessories.
SEED Model
Basic model: The model is highly versatile to perform combinatorial analysis such as read DNA microarray chip, perform cyclic voltammetry, AC voltammetry, stripping/deposition voltammetry and non-turnover reaction such as, in protein voltammetry. This is the "work-horse instrument.
Dual-mode model: A modification to the basic system as an attachment. The instrument allows a deeper mechanistic analysis of the electrochemical process such as discerning the chemisorption process. The instrument will be especially useful for corrosion studies to probe cathodic and anodic current on monolith electrode. The instrument will perform all the operations of a basic model.
Dynamic ellipsometer: A modification of the basic model as an attachment. The instrument will allow additional measurements of the electrochemical process, such as dynamics of tethered molecules. The instrument will perform all the measurements of the basic model. The optics in certain geometry will allow surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy.