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1.    Raghunath, S.;  Prasad, A.;  Tevatia, R.;  Gunther, J. R.;  Roy, S.;  Krishnan, S.; Saraf, R. F., Quantitative Electrochemical DNA Microarray on a Monolith Electrode with Ten Attomolar Sensitivity, 100% Specificity, and Zero Background. Chemelectrochem 2018, 5 (3), 429-433.


2.  Roy, S.;  Prasad, A.;  Tevatia, R.; Saraf, R. F., Heavy metal ion detection on a microspot electrode using an optical electrochemical probe. Electrochemistry Communications 2018, 86, 94-98.


3.    Tevatia, R.;  Prasad, A.; Saraf, R. F., Electrochemical Characteristics of a DNA Modified Electrode as a Function of Percent Binding. Analytical Chemistry 2019, 91 (16), 10501-10508.


4.  Moore, D.;  Arcila, J. A.; Saraf, R. F., Electrochemical Deposition of Polyelectrolytes Is Maximum at the Potential of Zero Charge. Langmuir  2020, 36 (8), 1864-1870.


5.    Tevatia, R.;  Chan, A.;  Oltmanns, L.;  Lim, J. M.;  Christensen, A.;  Stoller, M.; Saraf, R. F., Electrochemical Beacon Method to Quantify 10 Attomolar Nucleic Acids with a Semilog Dynamic Range of 7 Orders of Magnitude. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (49), 16409-16416.


6.  Lim, J.M; Tevatia, R.; Saraf, R.F., Quantitative PCR of Small Nucleic Acids: Size Matters, ChemistrySelect 20216(12), 2975-2979.


7.  Saraf, A. R.;  Keramatnejad, K.;  Arcila, J. A.; Saraf, R. F., Electrostatics of Single Monolayer Graphene Coated Metal Electrode in Electrolyte. Advanced Materials Interfaces 2021, 8 (14), 2100370.

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