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Binding Kinetics and Mutation

Kinetics of binding between DNA and RNA single stands is vital information important for variety for drug development such as, RNA vaccines for COVID and detection of mutations for early detection of diseases. Kinetics is critical for fundamental research on RNA-folding, toehold binding and strand displacement.  


The ability of SEED to measure oxidation and reduction reaction in seconds allows quantification of binding kinetics. Data averaged over 10 oxidation and reduction cycles can be obtained in 10 seconds to study change in kinetics due to mismatch (mutation) and the type of base substitution. 

Kinetics SEED Fig1.jpg

Binding kinetics on a chip with perfectly matched single stranded DNA contrasted with single base mismatch. The kinetics is highly sensitive to a single base mutation. The signal is virtually ON/OFF leading to a digital single to detect mismatch. 

Kinetics Base Fig2.jpg

The kinetics of binding is sensitive to the nature of the mismatch. For a base A in the immobilized probe on microarray, the kinetics changes for target with T (a perfect match of A-T) to different mismatched bases (A-G, A-A, A-C). The kinetics is signified by the slope. 

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